Fullington Academy Music Department
Our Music Program began in 2019 under the direction of Leia Knox. We have weekly music education classes from 3K through 8th grade. Our Middle Schoolers make up the Fullington Academy Choir and travel to the GAAPS Choral Festival annually to perform and receive ratings based on multiple criteria. In 2019, our very first year, we took large and small ensembles. Both groups received an Excellent rating. In 2020, Covid-19 kept us from traveling and allowed schools to submit a video of a live performance and send it in to be rated; Superior was given the highest rating to receive. 2021 proved to be just as successful. We could travel once again and take a small ensemble (16 or fewer students) who were given a Superior rating once again.
There are several music programs that our children are able to be a part of and perform in throughout the year. These include Grandparents Day Program (3K - 5th grade) and a Spring Music Program (5K - 5th grade). Our high schoolers also have an opportunity to sing in our GISA Literary program with a trio, quartet, and solo.